Thursday 26 February 2015

Week One of Serious Running Starts Now...

I know it's been a while since I posted here - I've been running like a demon, and am nearly ready to start my 'proper' half-marathon training. I finish Week 8 of the Couch to 5k programme today (I'm just waiting for the weather to clear before I go out) and then I'm on to the big cheese!

I've started running outside a bit - running on the treadmill is still easier, but it's also not realistic, and if I'm to have any hope of succeeding, I need to be able to run on roads, up and down hills, in the wind, blah blah blah... However, I have also been unwell, and am opting for treadmill over no run on days when my cough just won't shift and I don't want to spend an hour in the cold.

That said, John and I went to Somerset and Hampshire last week, and I had two absolutely glorious pre-dawn runs which saw the sun rising as I returned to our accommodation on the last leg. I'm so thrilled to be up to 5 km, and when I think "I'll never be able to run 21km", I have to remind myself that eight weeks ago, I could barely run for a minute at a time.

If you'd like to sponsor me, I am doing the Great North Run on the 13th of September 2015 in Newcastle. All sponsorship money will go to Mind, a mental health organisation that is doing great things! Go HERE to donate - anything helps, even £1.

Much love,

Corrie xx

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