Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day One of Diet ~ Detox

The Juice Plus diet (which I will talk about at some point in the future when I know more about it...) takes a few days to arrive, and the first week is a detox diet in which they send a seven day plan and tell you to follow it.

One of my friends sent me this. I am this otter.

The diet is quite simple, and just sets out a number of food items you have to eat. The strict rules are 'no substitutions or swapping' and you are also supposed to do an exercise programme. I have a number of issues with this, but we can examine Day One before I address them.

Breakfast - dry toast with tomato/tinned tomatoes
Lunch - any amount of fruit
Dinner - two hard boiled eggs, salad and a grapefruit

I did cheat, I am sad to admit. I got to about elevenses and I was so hungry that I was shaking and could barely walk. My boyfriend had stashed away some pork pies in the fridge, and it was in my belly before I even realised I had taken it off the shelf. I'm not sorry...I'm not trying to kill myself here!

Issue the First, breakfast: I don't do tomatoes. There is no way on this green earth that you are going to get me to eat any amount of tomato on toast...I can manage it hidden in cooked food, but as the only topping to toast? Forget it. I had ham.

Issue the Second, lunch: I am actually intolerant to a large number of fruit and vegetables (or the protein in the skin, or the pesticides on the skin or something) and I have to skin 'em before I eat 'em. I don't know how long this will last...but I did manage to snarf a big bowl full of banana, orange, clementine, plum and grapes. It was tasty and left me feeling full.

Issue the Third, dinner: I thought I would hate grapefruit. I got sugar ready to sweeten it - I mean, I had already had a pork pie, what else could I really do? Before I slathered it in sugar, I tried a bit...and it was really, really delicious. I loved it. I gobbled it down and rubbed my happily, healthily full stomach; then posted on Facebook:

I was kind and left a spoiler for you. The lovely Janet told me I shouldn't eat grapefruit for the type of medication I'm on, I researched it and bang! I'm not allowed to eat grapefruit. I was gutted. It's not often I try a new food and really love it - I did buy three of the damn things so I could be sure I gave it a good and proper go (I was convinced I would hate it)...and now I'm not allowed to eat it.

I'm going to eat the remaining two anyway. Only, I'll spread them out, and I've amended the diet sheet so it no longer contains grapefruit or grapefruit juice. I've substituted blood orange juice for the day when my breakfast is a glass of grapefruit juice (does it count if I drink a pint or does it have to be a wimpy 330ml glass?) and hope that will suit.

Did I mention dinner was tasty? I only half hard-boiled the eggs so they were slightly gooey and not fluffy and grim, and I used a mixture of spinach, rocket and mixed leaves for the green bits. I added cucumber and some dry-fried pine-nuts, and my boyfriend got a grilled chicken breast and some cheese (which was not on my menu). He made himself a salad dressing, I ate mine dry.

My man's meal
It was truly delicious. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I have had a huge number of thoughts on how this diet is going to help me, which are not limited to reduced calories. I have traditionally not been a particularly 'salady' person - but man, if I get to eat salads that are like the above, I'm in. You'll notice I avoided a variety of things that often go in salad - carrot, peppers, celery, tomato (don't even go there) - these are all things that cause reactions when I eat them, and I couldn't be bothered to do any peeling last night. I'm also less hot on really crunchy things (yes, I am a fussy eater). 

Anyway, that's the first revelation: om nom, more salad om. The second revelation is that it takes very little time to make a healthy, simple meal, provided you have the stuff in the fridge. With the diet sheet in front of me, I went to the shop on Monday morning after a doctor's appointment, and bought everything I need for this week. As long as our sneaky housemates don't take a nibble or three of anything, I won't have to go shopping again. The man got home at about 8 pm, and we sat down to eat at 8:30 pm. The limiting factor was actually how long it took to boil the eggs! 

Too often we end up having takeaway, or pizza or something 'quick' that is full of carbs (and therefore TOTALLY DELICIOUS) and expensive...so I enjoyed figuring out a quick meal like this.

The third revelation was how easy it is to prepare food for lunch. I normally eat a sandwich I've bought from the famous Sandwich Shop on Gloucester Road - full of tasty tasty good chicken, mayonnaise, sweetcorn; and let's not forget the fact that it's a baguette and therefore includes many delicious carbs. Today (I'm writing this on Day Two of the diet), I had to have grilled chicken as part of my lunch, so I simply grilled the chicken while the eggs were boiling for dinner (and gave the second breast to the boy). A few handfuls of leaves chucked in and voila! I had my super easy lunch for work, it cost less than the usual £2.50 and it was healthy too.

So, Day One of Detox went well. Except....

Did I do any exercise? Errrr...my excuse is that I had a stinking headache. I actually went to bed as soon as I finished with my lunch (I had had a doctor appointment in the morning and therefore was not at work) and I didn't get up until the boyfriend got back...and the damn headache was still there. So, my exercise days are off sync and I didn't manage it yesterday.

The origin of the headache is likely to be because the last time I had a cup of tea was Friday morning, and I have a serious caffeine addiction, so it's probably withdrawal. It could also be dehydration, as despite being supposed to drink eight cups of water, I managed only four...oops. This is very low for me, I usually drink about five pints of water a day because of my good friend Water Dispenser at work...

That's all from me for now, I do have to get on with other things...I'm still feeling enthusiastic about this, and tonight is steak night! So that's pleasing my little taste-buds no end, they are very excited. Too bad my legs are dreading the gym so much...

Much love,

Corrie xx

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