Monday 16 June 2014

Hello weight-loss...good-bye muffins!

I've decided to do something I thought I would never, ever do. I'm going to start blogging about my weight.

Mainly because I really, really like blogging. I also really, really like food, and with various medical conditions I tend to overeat...which has now caused other medical conditions because I am overweight.

My doctor told me I had to lose some pounds (I mean, really, I knew I had to anyway), I sent out an appeal to Twitter and the lovely Faye recommended the Juice Plus diet to me. Before I knew it, I had committed the cash, bought the first set of juice and received my welcome pack!

So, what are the numbers we are talking about here?

Height: 161 cm
Weight: 72 kg

This gives me a BMI of 28, which is two points below obese. I nearly fell over when it first got calculated...I mean, I know my doctor said I had to lose weight but REALLY.

Waist: 32"
Hips: 40"
Arms: 11"

I would do thighs, but nobody needs to know that particular measurement!

Now comes the super embarrassing...and hopefully super motivating...bit. Here are the before the diet photos, taken this morning by my super lovely boyfriend.

From the back...
Left side of body
Right side of body
Front of body again
So there, what I believe we all know as a 'beer belly', is bared for the world to see. Literally. The baggy trousers are to hide the gigantour thighs, which will not be making an appearance on this blog until significant progress has been made - so if you ever see any skin-tight-trouser photos (or, gasp, bikini shots) you can congratulate me please.

I'll try keep a 'daily diary' (which is something I'm meant to do on Juice Plus anyway), and I'm also on MyFitnessPal (username is corrieberry).

Wish me luck!

Corrie xx
My boyfriend told me I was taking this too light-heartedly, so I tried to look sad. It was proper embarrassing taking these photos.


  1. best of luck. If you really put your mind to it (and it sounds like you have) you can do it!
